...Sometimes I’m a child
...Sometimes I’m an adult
Sometime I want to be a baby and wear my shoes wrongly and lick a big ice cram, run and play with butterflies...
Sometime I want to be a child and run in the street and leap…and shout loudly…freely...
And run through the nice flowers and to be in between the birds and play with them...
!And now
!!!Think about my dream
?It’s very nice? Isn’t it
?It’s nice! No
I like my dreams so much...
...And now come with me in my colored dreams
!And forget your grief and become a child in my dream like me
!Tomorrow, you can become an adult again
But now, forget every thing and wear your shoes wrongly and come with me!
Let’s go to the meadow and lick ice cream and play with butterflies and shout loudly and laugh …freely...
In the real world, in fact, I’ve never worn my shoes wrongly! Never! Even when I was a child!!!
!But I think it’s very nice my friend
...Come with me my friend…to my nice and dreamful land
...Come with me