Henry was from the United States and he had come
to London for a holiday.
One day he was not feeling well,so he want to the clerk at the
desk of his hotel and said,I want to see a doctor.Can you give
me the name of a good one?
The clerk looked in a book and then said ,Dr Kenneth Grey
Henry said,Thank you very much.Is he expensive?
"well,the clerk answered, he always charges his patients two
pounds for their first visit to him,and £1.50 for later visits."
Henry decided to save 50 p, so when he went to see the doctor,
he said,'I've come again,doctor.'
For a few seconds the nodded and said,Oh, Yes.' He examined
him and then said ,'Everything's going as it should do.Just
continue with the medicine I gave you last time.
Truth is like sugar cane
even if you chew it for a long time, it is still sweet
(Malagasy proverb)