?What is sacred
?What is the spirit made of
?What is worth living for
?What is worth dying for
The answer to all of them
:is the same
Hi, my dear friends
Welcome to Quiet Seashore
I hope you have a peaceful time at my small room
I’m here, because I like English and my intention of this place is improve my language and also I don’t want to be far from the English world
I have a few suggestions for my friends
I don’t write meaning of the texts and if you need, please use of the dictionary to improve your English
Feedback from you enable me improve and ameliorate Quiet Seashore
I warmly thank you
You know, it depends on the characteristics and personality of those ONES! But I agree that most of the times one's mistakes are pretty remarkable!!
yes friend
U R right
I'm agree with u comparatively
woOow my God...its beautiful...

I agree with you...thannnnks...dear
hiiiiiiiiiiii my dear friend

عجب بیچارگیه ها!!!
آره بخدا

میبینی دونده جان؟
راستی خیلی خوشحال شدما خانمی که اینجا هم اومدید
سلام دوست گرامی
.بلاگتون همیشه بروز و عالیه
شما هم موفق باشید
ممنونم که از وبلاگم سر میزنی و نظر می دی
سلام و سپاس از حضورتون
تشکر لطف دارید
منم ممنونم
Hi dear
That's so right
thanks for these beautiful post
hi my dear

you're welcome
Good time to forget
right or wrong
Words that are always on my mind
Be true to yourself and others
Do not try to
appear better or greater than what you are
hi my good friend

u r right
thanks again
good luck
hi dear
yes I agree
right always sticks in minds
hi my nice dear
thank U very much friend
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